

The Finance Department is responsible for all accounting, budgeting, financing, purchasing and cash management activities for the City. Responsibilities also include safeguarding the City's assets, managing the City's investment portfolio, debt management, accurate and timely financial reporting, and providing financial support to all City departments and divisions.

In addition, the department coordinates preparation of the Annual Budget, monitors budget compliance, coordinates the annual audit conducted by an outside independent audit firm, and prepares and issues the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

The Department consists of three strategic levels of service; Accounting, Budgeting and Purchasing.


The responsibility of the Accounting Department is to maintain the City's financial records and prepare annual financial statements. This is done in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) pronouncements.

The Accounting Department is also responsible for cash management and supports other City Departments by processing specialized billing, accounts payable, and other accounting services.


The function of the Budget Office is to plan, prepare and monitor the City's operating and capital budgets, review the efficiency of City activities and provide assistance to the City Manager and other departments in management planning and evaluation.

The Budget Office also serves as a public resource to provide information to citizens on budget issues and taxes. It prepares the Annual Operating and Capital Budgets, and the Capital Improvement Plan (6 Year CIP). This department also prepares the Budget-In-Brief document, does utility rate studies and special financial studies and analysis.

BUDGET SUMMARY FY 2023 FY 2024 % Change $ Change
    Wage & Salaries $23,817,295 $25,576,694 7% $1,759,399
    Benefits $9,286,925 $9,810,018 6% $523,093
Operating $57,796,358 $62,382,868 8% $4,586,510
Capital $12,769,160 $25,517,039 100% $12,747,879
Other $9,347,985 $9,995,909 7% $647,914
TOTAL BUDGET $113,017,733 $133,282,528 18% $20,264,795
  • What is the current staffing for the City?  402.99 FTEs
  • What is the current millage rate?   4.1345

The Purchasing department provides an efficient and effective process for the City in meeting its procurement needs. They process the purchase of small dollar items with p-cards, incorporate technology to facilitate purchases, and coordinate contracts for high dollar or high volume purchases. They are also responsible for overseeing the City's RFP/RFQ and Bid system.


FY 2024 Budget Graphs.png



Financial Documents

Budget Documents

FY 2025

FY 2024

FY 2023

FY 2022

FY 2021

FY 2020

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)

Provides a complete set of financial statements presented in compliance with GAAP and audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Physical copies can be found at the Dunedin Public Library.