Economic & Housing Development

About Economic Development

What is it?

The City of Dunedin has always been proud of providing the community with a high level of municipal services, commercial goods and services, and employment and housing opportunities that have resulted in a sense of community and a high quality of life. Economic Development facilitates the creation and maintenance of this quality of life through a strong tax base and a healthy local economy.

What does it do?

The Department of Economic Development facilitates partnerships to promote the cultural institutions and businesses of Dunedin to regional and international visitors and works closely with the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Merchants Association, Visit Dunedin and other organizations to promote cultural attractions and businesses in Dunedin. We also strive to give all Dunedin citizens an opportunity to contribute and experience the joy of participating in meaningful community activities.

In 2013, the City of Dunedin approved its first Economic Development Master Plan(PDF, 917KB) that will serve as a blueprint for the city's future during the next 10 years. The Master Plan looks to protect the charm of Dunedin while encouraging private investment through adaptive reuse.

Contact us for more information on development opportunities, with complete confidentiality.


Robert "Bob" Ironsmith
Director of Economic & Housing Development/CRA
737 Louden Ave.
Dunedin, FL 34698




Reports & References


Partners & Other Resources