Customers in the City of Dunedin can rely on high-quality reclaimed water for landscape irrigation. This water is treated using advanced processes designed by engineers, operated by skilled and licensed city staff, and tested in sophisticated laboratories.
Using the City's reclaimed water for irrigation is safe and protects both the environment and public health. The program also helps conserve groundwater, ensuring a sustainable drinking water supply for the future.
Reclaimed water is produced from treated wastewater collected from homes, businesses, and by-product water from the city's reverse osmosis water treatment plant. The wastewater is transported through sewer mains and pumping stations to the city's advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility.
This facility operates year-round, 24/7, and is managed by skilled operators, mechanics, and electricians dedicated to providing top-quality reclaimed water. The wastewater undergoes various treatment processes to remove odors, oils, grease, organic matter, solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, metals, bacteria, and other contaminants.
The resulting reclaimed water meets all state standards for landscape irrigation. It is then pumped to customers and stored in four tanks located throughout the city.