City Hall is open Friday-Sunday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. as a cooling/charging station. Bring your chargers! Keep checking our social media channels, Hurricane/Tropical Storm Information page and make sure you are subscribed to the DunediNEWS for all the latest updates.
Questions? Contact the City's Sustainability Manager via email or phone.
(727) 298-3213
The City of Dunedin officially adopted its first sustainability plan called DREAM: Dunedin's Resilient Environmental Action Master Plan on March 24th, 2022!
The purpose of creating DREAM is to provide the City and community with goals and direction to further advance on our sustainability journey. DREAM is focused around answering the question, How can Dunedin become a more sustainable, equitable, smart, and efficient city?
City staff is grateful for the community members, experts, and environmental advocate who have made this plan possible.