Dunedin Does Compost


Dunedin Does Compost is a program for those interested in backyard composting! To be eligible to pick up a free compost bin, residents must complete the compost video course. Look below for resources, information, and examples to help make your compost bin successful!

To participate in this program, you must live in Dunedin city limits. Please note that compost bins are in limited supply. 




"It's going great, I set it up the day after I picked it up. It's filled about 3/4 of the way and every few days I add food waste, water and mix it up with a pitch fork. No problems with animals, etc. Thank you again for the bin."  --Comments from a Dunedin Resident

We've added four hens to our house after learning about them in the Dunedin Does Compost course. This program came at the perfect time for our family, as we are transitioning to Florida Friendly plants.  --Comments from Whitney K.

We have been using it from day one! We keep a separate bin of browns nearby to further prevent things like fruit flies from sneaking in through the vents and getting to the food.  --Comments from Patrick C.

All is going well with our new composter. Even though I’ve been composting for many years I learned so much by watching the videos that the city provided. Thank you!  --Comments from Colleen G.

Mine is set up and appears to be working well. Haven’t reached the final result but turning regularly and feeding and watering as instructed. Thank you and the city for providing the composter and instructions.  --Comments from Roger G.

Our composter seems to be working great!! The leaves and food scraps have already started breaking down and I’ve trained the kid on how to layer it too :)  --Comments from Megan C.

Backyard Composting Guide.JPG

Receive a Compost Bin

Step 1.You must live within the city limits of Dunedin

  • Only residents are approved to receive bins. Visitors may learn but are not authorized to receive a compost bin. 

Step 2.Complete the online video course and take a short quiz

Click below to complete the compost video course.

Step 3.Bin Request Form

Click below to submit a request form for a composting bin.

*Please note that Compost Bins are currently out of stock. Thank you for your patience and understanding.*  

Contact Savannah Bunch at SBunch@DunedinFl.Net to be placed on the waitlist. 


Composting Basics

Composting 101


Greens are nitrogen rich and should make up 40% of your compost pile. Examples of greens are:
• fruit and veggie scraps • egg shells • citrus rinds • onions • seeds • seaweed • tea and tea bags • grains • fermented foods • moldy breads • moldy fruits • garden and house plants • yard waste • grass clippings • wood ashes • manure.


Browns are carbon rich and should make up 60% of your compost pile. Examples of browns are:
• dead leaves • mulch • pine needles • sticks and branches • oak leaves • old potting soil • wood cutlery • paperboard • paper towels • cardboard • newspaper • white paper • human or pet hair.

Do NOT Compost:

• weeds • coal ash • discolored paper and cardboard • diseased plants • meat, bones, fish • inorganic materials • pet feces • any plant or grass treated with pesticide or herbicide • walnut and black walnut products • dairy • glossy paper • salt.

Having Problems?
  • Unpleasant Smell - Excess moisture, excess green materials or not enough air. Potentially add browns to your compost and turn pile.
  • Pests Around Pile - Smell is attracting animals. Add more browns, turn pile, keep covered with a lid or a tarp.
  • Slow Decomposition - Pile isn't changing/ unbalanced conditions. Add coffee grounds, do not squeeze test for moisture.
  • Temperature Fluctuation - Pile size, moisture, or circulation issues. If the pile is too hot, reduce the size and turn. If the pile is too cold, increase the size, aeration and moisture.
  • Dry Pile - Powdery or flaky appearance. Add moisture, turn pile and add moisture until consistency of a damp sponge.

How to Guide to Composting

1. Select a System

  • Closed container like a tumbler.
  • Open bin or pile.
  • Worm bin.

2. Gather Your Brown

  • Browns are your key to successful composting.
  • They form the base and the lid.
  • The browns cover your food scraps to prevent odors or pests.

3. Save Food Scraps

  • Fruits, vegetables, and grains are easily composted. 
  • Avoid meat, dairy and oils.
  • Always cover food scraps with brown materials. 

4. Build Your Pile

  • Start with several inches of browns on the bottom.
  • Add your green materials.
  • Cover with more browns so you can't see or smell the food scraps.

5. Water

  • Compost needs to be moist to break down.
  • Test it by squeezing a handful. It should be moist like a damp sponge.
  • Too wet - add more browns.
  • Too dry - add more water.

6. Turning

  • Your compost is broken down by tiny organisms that need to breathe. Turning the pile once every week or two helps them stay healthy. 
  • Turn the tumbler once a week after adding food scraps. Then cover with more browns until there is no visible food waste. Continue turning without adding more greens or browns. 
  • Turn an open pile every week or two. Cover it with new browns until there's no food waste visible.


Compost Troubleshooting Guide