Hurricane Preparation

Before the Storm

Alert Pinellas

Receive countywide emergency notifications.


Have a Plan

Create a plan for your family on how to respond to a potential disaster. 

Emergency Kits

Learn what to include in your emergency kit. 

Hurricane Preparedness Guide

Pinellas County's comprehensive guide for hurricane preparation. 

Know Your Zone

Find out if you're in an evacuation zone with this county map. 

Sales Tax Holiday

Learn the disaster preparedness items that are eligible.

Subscribe to DunediNews

Subscribe to Dunedin's emergency updates. 

During the Storm

Sandbag Do's and Don'ts

Learn what sandbags can and can't do, and how to use them to the best of their ability. Video provided by 10 Tampa Bay. 

Secure Your Pets

Ensure the safety of your furry friends. 

Find a Shelter

Find which shelters are open and what accommodations they have. 


Track and monitor storms and weather systems. 

After the Storm

Damage Assessment

How to respond during and immediately after a storm. 

Disaster Assistance

Resident and business disaster assistance information. 

Duke Energy

Check the power outage map. 

Business Resources

Preparation and recovery assistance to businesses. 


Prepare and help in recovery efforts in Dunedin and Pinellas County.