Golf Cart (Micro-Mobility) Infrastructure Plan

Published on September 21, 2023


Staff Writer: Kathy Gademer
Department: Community Development
Category: Enhancing Dunedin


The City of Dunedin has a long-standing history of allowing golf carts as an alternative mode of transportation.  Since the inception and evolution of this program, golf carts have proven to be an economical, environmentally friendly, and fun way for residents and visitors to get around.  

  • In 1983, the City Commission adopted a Golf Cart Ordinance which allowed residents to travel between their homes and the Dunedin Golf Course. 

  • In 2008, the City Commission expressed interest in expanding the area where golf carts could be operated as a more generalized form of alternative transportation.  

  • In 2011, the Golf Cart Task Force was established. 

  • In 2011, the City Commission adopted a 2nd Golf Cart Ordinance which allowed for the use of golf carts on certain streets.   The system was subsequently changed to a zone-based system. 

  • In years 2014, 2017, and 2018, the system was again expanded to include additional roadway crossings permissible by FDOT and Pinellas County. 

In March 2023, the City hired Benesch, a transportation and land use consulting firm, to write a plan to include a review of the existing golf cart program and map, micro-mobility trends, such as charging stations and parking, and golf cart crossing expansion opportunities.  The plan will also include recommendations to capital improvements, funding opportunities, and necessary Land Development Code changes to the current program. 

To help with this plan, the City and the Golf Cart Task Force created a survey that when analyzed will become the basis for formulating trends and gathering potential expansion ideas. The survey can be completed by anyone, regardless of if someone owns a golf cart or not.

There will be opportunities to attend and speak at public meetings such as the Local Planning Agency and at City Commission meetings.  The City’s community engagement page provides information on the project, a project timeline and a link to keep informed. 

If you have any questions regarding the Golf Cart Infrastructure Plan, please email Kathy Gademer, AICP, Project Manager, Community Development Department.