Dunedin Parks & Recreation offers a variety of small, charming "mini pocket parks" located throughout the city. These inviting green spaces are perfect for taking a break, sitting on a bench, and enjoying nature or watching a sunset. All city parks are open from sunrise to sunset, unless otherwise posted.
Armston Park
Douglas Memorial Park - 1
Douglas Memorial Park - 2
Kiwanis Park
Mira Vista Park
San Jose Park
Vivien Skinner Park
Wee Garth Park
Wilson Park
1598 Santa Barbara Drive, Dunedin 34698 View Map
1598 Santa Barbara Drive , Dunedin 34698
All parks are open daily from sunrise to sunset, unless otherwise posted.
All dogs must by kept on a leash in hand while visiting the park, except in designated areas and times where posted.
Be a responsible pet owner and help keep our parks clean and safe by picking up your pet's waste.
Watch "Scoop the Poop!" video
Dunedin Parks Division 727-298-3242 DunedinParks@DunedinFL.net
Dunedin Parks & Recreation727-812-4530 DunedinRecreation@DunedinFL.net